Turn your ambition into a success story

Bethlahem College of Nursing “By the will to give rather than to receive”, strives for outstanding educational outcomes; offering excellence in quality nursing education to promote research activities and bringing up intellectually enlightened, morally upright, emotionally balanced and socially committed health care professionals.

  • 200 Students
  • 450 Experiments
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Books & Library

Library, traditionally, collection of books used for reading or study, or the building or room in which such a collection is kept.

Certified Teachers

An academic certificate is a document that certifies that a person has received specific education or has passed a test.

Our Laboratories

Our Most Popular & Advanced Laboratories

if you want to see Bethlahem college of Nursing All Laboratories

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4.8 (867)

Nursing Foundation Laboratory

This lab is well-equipped with 10 beds & set of all items needed for Nursing procedure practice to provide comprehensive nursing care..

  • 03:00 hrs
  • 65
  • 6K
5 (256)

Pre-Clinical Science Laboratory

Pre clinical Science laboratory is designed to enable the students to acquire Knowledge of the Anatomical Structure & Functions, etc...

  • 03:00 hrs
  • 65
  • 8K
4.5 (489)

Maternal and Child Health Laboratory

Maternal and child health nurses work in partnership with families to care for babies and young children until they start school.

  • 03:00 hrs
  • 65
  • 1.5K
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College of Nursing believes that nursing is a profession, which necessitates prompt updating of knowledge and skills in specialized clinical areas concerning healthcare by rendering quality nursing services.Students are our prime importance. We believe that the basic course of nursing should prepare our students for primary level positions in nursing, and we assume the responsibility in all-round development of the students.

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Latest News

7 December

Annual Day

The annual day is a day when the entire college comes together to celebrate the past year’s successes and achievements. This is a day of great importance for the students, staff, and faculty. It is a time to reflect on the year’s accomplishments and to look forward to the future.

5 December

Sports Day

Sports day consists of events which many college stage in which students participate in sporting activities. They usually participate to win trophies or prizes.

09 October

World Mental Health Day

Aims to raise awareness of mental health issues and encourage efforts to support those experiencing mental health issues. It was first observed in 1992, at the initiative of World Federation for Mental Health.